Whoosh Agency
My digital marketing agency for service business growth.
Savvy Service Business
My free online community for service business owners to learn more about starting, running, and growing their service businesses.
Shawshank the Cubicle
My free newsletter on Substack, where I talk about life and business and mix in my wannabe cartoonist hobby.
Nice To Meet You
My name is Charlie Harper; I am the founder and CEO of Whoosh Agency.
I have worked with some of our clients for 8 years with over two decades of online marketing experience. In addition to growing and running my own service-based business and providing marketing services, I also serve as a fractional CMO for several companies, helping manage their marketing teams, strategy, and third-party marketing relationships.
I am proud to have helped service-based businesses grow from six to seven figures, creating countless jobs for families throughout the United States.
With me, you will get what a marketing book or a Google search cannot give you: time and market-tested professional experience growing businesses.
Nice To Meet You
My name is Charlie Harper; I am the founder and CEO of Whoosh Agency.
I have worked with some of our clients for 8 years with over two decades of online marketing experience. In addition to growing and running my own service-based business and providing marketing services, I also serve as a fractional CMO for several companies, helping manage their marketing teams, strategy, and third-party marketing relationships.
I am proud to have helped service-based businesses grow from six to seven figures, creating countless jobs for families throughout the United States.
With me, you will get what a marketing book or a Google search cannot give you: time and market-tested professional experience growing businesses.